Gates of the Arctic National Park and the Brooks Mountain Range

In the summer of 2020, an archaeological survey was needed for a plot of land on the Chuchki Sea. To get there my coworker and I traveled from Fairbanks through Gates of the Arctic National Park to Prudhoe Bay. I was able to photograph the unique landscape from the vantage of the helicopter. Traveling by helicopter was a lot of fun, you fly low enough to get great views, and flying through the Brooks Mountain Range was a once in a lifetime trip.

We flew out of Fairbanks and had a great view of the city, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Yukon River.

Traveling north through the Brooks Range gave some amazing views of the mountains. We mostly followed the Dalton Highway and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline as they snaked their way through.

After leaving the mountains we continue north to Prudhoe Bay, it was a stark contrast coming out of the rugged mountains and seeing the flat land of the North Slope. It was also the middle of July, but it was cold enough that it snowed one day, and there was still ice in some of the shallow lakes.


Katmai National Park and Brooks Camp, Alaska